

HP Terbaru BlackBerry Pearl 9105 dari XL

XL Axiata menawarkan BlackBerry Pearl 9105. Ponsel cerdas (smartphone) itu mendukung layanan 3G, tetapi dipasarkan dengan harga yang lebih murah ketimbang perangkat (handheld) BlackBerry berteknologi 3G yang sebelumnya.

Berbeda dengan pendahulunya yang juga mengusung teknologi 3G, yaitu Onyx, Pearl 9105 dibanderol dengan harga yang lebih murah. Harga Onyx saat ini masih di atas Rp4 juta. Sementara Pearl 9105 dipasarkan dengan harga di bawahnya, yaitu Rp3,8 juta.

''XL berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan layanan dan informasi terbaru BlackBerry yang terbaik bagi masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya pelanggan XL. Pelayanan terbaik diberikan melalui inovasi layanan BlackBerry, konten dan aplikasi terbaru BlackBerry, layanan purna jual (after sales service) yang andal, serta handheld BlackBerry terbaru,'' kata Direktur Commerce XL Joy Wahjudi dalam siaran pers tertulis yang diterima, Selasa (31/8).

Peluncuran Pearl 9105 yang dilakukan pada akhir Agustus itu sesuai dengan janji produsen BlackBerry, Research in Motion (RIM).

Pada Juli 2010, pihak RIM menyebutkan bahwa Pearl 9105 dirancang dengan tubuh yang lebih mungil ketimbang model-model sebelumnya. Ponsel didesain dengan dimensi 108x50x13,3 mm. Perbedaan lain, berdesain batang (candy bar) itu juga mengusung keyboard tradisional, bukan qwerty.

''Kami bersemangat untuk memperkenalkan smartphone BlackBerry terkecil ini di Indonesia. Perangkat ini merupakan pilihan ideal bagi orang yang ingin tetap mencari informasi berita terkini terkoneksi dengan teman dan keluarga melalui aplikasi pesan instan dan jejaring sosial,'' kata Managing Director for Southeast Asia RIM Gregory Wade. (Lowongan Kerja)

Lowongan Kerja di PT Semen Andalas Medan Juni 2010

Lowongan Kerja di PT Semen Andalas Medan Juni 2010 - PT Semen Andalas Indonesia (Medan), PT Lafarge Cement Indonesia a subsidiary of world leader in cement manufacturing and building material having its operation in Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau and Batam invites you to join our team to be based in Medan with some traveling as :

Financial Controller (Code: FC) (Medan)


* Reports to Financial Controller, the candidate is responsible to :
o Maintain, prepare and provide accurate operational (Production and financial) including up dated data to management and group
o Acting as a back bone to coordinate the preparation and collection of budget and quarterly forecast (RPs) data and information, Comparing and analyzing forecast data against historical data for information
o Actively involve in collecting and preparing of Indonesia economic indicators, develop understanding of Indonesia cement market demand and competitors, compile and put together strategic review paper for the management, regional office and the group, of good quality
o Responsible for Accounting function coordination; Costing & Contribution Analysis, Financial Report (accurate & timely) and general accounting.
o Responsible for Treasury function coordination; such as: Forex Reporting, Cash Forecast & collections, Banking, Develop system to prevent double payments, Deal for best foreign exchange, Hedging Function.
o Ensure the confidentiality of the company’s documentation.


* Must possess at least Bachelor degree from recognized university majoring in Accounting/Finance, Master in Finance will be an advantage
* Having minimum 8 – 10 years relevant experience with more than 5 years in Managerial level. Wide exposure in international business environment (MNC)
* Have a very good understanding of all manufacturing process, material consumption, cement retailed, lafarge way and Financial Tools
* Good level of knowledge of Accounting standard (US Gaaps, Indonesia Accounting Standard, International Accounting Standard).
* People & Team skill (Coaching and Negotiation).
* Must be hands on in solving problem and avoid short cut and short-term solutions.
* Must be strong in detail and number crunching.
* Possess good knowledge of Cost Accounting, Management Accounting and Tax.
* Knowledge/experience with Accounting/Financial software (SAP, JDE, PICKS).
* English proficiency, computer literacy and can operate Microsoft Office (especially Excel, Word and Power Point).

* Competencies:
o High Integrity and Values, Initiatives, Customer Focus, Teamwork & Cooperation, and Driving for Results
o Leading People, Leading Change, Vision & Purpose, Organizational Awareness, Development Others
o Conceptual Thinking, and Analytical Thinking, Information Seeking , Impact and Influence

Qualified candidates are invited to forward your application with full resume, recent photograph, not later than 14 days to below email address :

Note: Please put the job code in the subject of your application


Lowongan Kerja Event organizer Juni 2010

Kuningan City

Lowongan Kerja Event organizer Juni 2010 -Kuningan City

A new integrated lifestyle superblock in South Jakarta member of Agung Podomoro Group

1. Assistant Fit Out Manager

  • At least Bachelor Degree in Architectural Engineering
  • Age 30-35 years old
  • Having at least 3 years experience in Shopping Center
  • Communicate, creative, innovative and customer satisfaction oriented
  • Experience in making fit out guidance, handling & supervising tenant fit out design, building facility improvement

2. Chief Engineering

  • At least Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Electrical Engineering
  • Age 30 – 35 years old
  • Having at least 4 years experience as Technical Manager in commercial/residential/retail building
  • Good leadership skill, innovative and team player

3. Mechanical Electrical Quantity Surveyor

  • At least Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Electrical Engineering
  • Age 28 – 45 years old
  • Having at least 3 year experience in related field
  • Having good knowledge and skill about project management
  • Team player and trustworthy

Structure / ME / Finishing Inspector

  • At least Diploma in Civil / ME
  • Age 28 – 50 years old
  • Having at least 5 years experience in mix-used / high-rise / large scale buildings
  • Team player and trustworthy

Event organizer

  • At least Bachelor Degree in Communication / Advertising
  • Age 27 – 32 years old
  • Having at least 2 years experience in developer property
  • Communicate, creative, innovative and customer satisfaction

Please send your latest CV and photo not later than 27 June 2010 to:
Human Resources Department Kuningan City
Jl. Prof. Dr Satrio, Kav 18
Jakarta Selatan 12940 (email size do not exceed 1 MB)

Lowongan Kerja HRD Manager Bali International Flight Academy ( BIFA ) Juni 2010

Lowongan Kerja Flight Instructor and HRD Manager Bali International Flight Academy, BIFA is a pilot school situated in Buleleng, North Bali, producing professional commercial pilots for major airline in the region. BIFA’s headquarters is in Central business district in Jakarta, but the campus and its housing facilities are located in nnortheim coast of Bali (approx. 30 km east of Gilimanuk). For details, please check

BIFA, the leader in flight academy in the region, is looking for qualified individuals with professionalism, integrity and ambition to join our team for the following full time positions :

1. Flight Instructor – Buleleng, Bali (Full Time or Part Time)

Ideal candidate :

  • Commercial Pilot License and Instrumen Rating for Single or Multi-engine aircraft with experience in Cessna 172
  • Has tract records as flight instructor in Part 141 flight school operations
  • Has itegrity and passion in education of commercial pilots in Indonesia

BIFA offers competitive remuneration, incl. housing, meals and flight hours allowance for flight instructors.

Govt. Relations Officers – HO Jakarta

Ideal candidate :

  • S1 graduate, min. D3
  • Easy going personality and high integrity is a must
  • Min. 5 years experience in aviation Industry, particulary in handling licenses renewal and issuence with the Civil Aviation Directorate.
  • Qualifications as aircraft engineer, pilot or mechanic is a plus

HRD Manager – Buleleng, Bali

Ideal candidate :

  • S1 Graduate
  • Min. 5 years experience in HR managerial position
  • Knowledgeable in Labor regulations, experienced in personnel administration and organization development
  • Fluent in English
  • People person, hard worker high integrity

Finance Manager – HO Jakarta

Ideal Candidate :

  • S1 Graduate
  • Min. 8 years experience in Finance Managerial Position
  • Knowledgeable in Financial Reporting, Taxation and Cost Comptroller
  • Excellent in English both spoken and written
  • Team work, hard worker with high integrity

Qualified and interested candidates, please email your CV and supporting documents to :

orcall Dian Novita or Herry Karsono at 021-2505373

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted further for personal interviews.


lowongan Kerja PT. Astra International Tbk – Isuzu Sales Operation memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk bergabung menjadi:


Status karyawan tetap, gaji dan benefit standar Astra, insentif menarik, karir yang menantang, trip ke luar negeri serta training yang professional.


1. Wanita/pria, usia maximal 30 tahun

2. Self confidence & komunikatif

3. Interpersonal skill yang baik

4. Gigih, ulet dan berorientasi pada “Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan”

5. Memiliki SIM A atau C

6. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri

7. Pengalaman dibidang sales / marketing, memberikan nilai tambah

Lamaran lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke alamat dibawah ini dengan mencantumkan kode SC/SE di pojok kanan atas amplop (paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat).

Jl. Danau Sunter Utara Blok O3 Kav. 30

Atau Jl. Pramuka Raya No.8


Lowongan Kerja PT BNI LIFE INSURANCE April 2010

Lowongan Kerja PT BNI LIFE INSURANCE (Anak Perusahaan PT. Bank Negara Indonesia), Perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Jiwa membutuhkan profesional yang dinamis, trampil dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi :


  • Usia min. 22 – 27 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3, semua jurusan, diutamakan dari Jurusan yang berhubungan dengan bidang kesehatan/medis
  • IPK minimal 3,00 dari PTN/PTS Terkenal
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan program Ms. Office.
  • Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
  • Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa
  • Komunikatif
  • Memiliki loyalitas & integritas yang tinggi
  • Bersedia ditempatkan pada daerah : Padang, Makassar, dan Manado

Bagi Pelamar yang melamar harus mencantumkan posisi atau jabatan yang dituju pada kolom subject email.
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV Lengkap + FOTO Anda ke :

Lowongan Kerja Section Head Finance April 2010 PT Westindo Esa Perkasa

lowongan kerja 8 April 2010

Lowongan Kerja April 2010 PT Westindo Esa Perkasa
Section Head Finance
(Jakarta Raya)
Closing Date: 7-5-10

S1 Accounting
Min 3 years experience in public accountant
Proficiency in English written & oral

Please send you application to:
Jl. Raya Gaya Motor Kav. M – N No. 8
Jakarta Utara 14330

Or via e-mail to: